Nov 2, 2015

Halloweekend: BBHMM

So this is definitely a late post, but Halloween was this weekend and I had to write a Literature review for one of my classes, so I think I'm excused from my schedule, at least for a day.

But Happy Halloween!
I haven't dressed up and gone out for Halloween since my Freshman (?) year, and even then it wasn't anything extraordinary. This year I decided to be Rihanna from her BBHMM performance at the iHeartRadio Awards. (You know, this one) And sadly, no one knew who I was lol. You would think people kept up on Rihanna's outfit's I mean hello! (Sarcasm obviously)
But it was a pretty simple costume, not exactly 100% spot on but I think I did a pretty good job considering I only had a week to get everything together for it. If you want to see a larger photo check out my instagram and if you're wondering where everything is from I'll link them down below.

Shoes - ASOS / Thigh Highs - Spirit / Faux Fur Vest* - Target / Body Suit - American Apparel 
* I used green temporary hair dye on the vest to make it green 
**Sunglasses were free from college and I made the necklace with some paper, paint, and some string haha. 


  1. i haven't really dressed up since college either, love this look though :)

    danielle | avec danielle

  2. Love it, what a great idea. Just checked out the photo on your Instagram, you look fab!

    The Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. I saw! Gave you a follow, thank you so much! ♡
