May 17, 2016


Being a Florida native you would think I would have taken a trip to Miami by now, but I hadn't until last week! The trip is usually around 6 hours long from Tampa, but I left from Orlando since that's where I spend most of my time/it's where my apartment is, and it ended up only being around 4 hours long.

I've never really had a reason to take the trip which is why I'd never been, but The 1975's only Florida stop was in Miami and that was more than enough reason to also book my very first AirBnb and make the journey down south.

I learned a lot of things in our 2 night stay in Miami..

Everything is expensive. (i.e. $30 for parking, $60 to sit on a beach chair in Miami Beach )

It's about 20 degrees hotter than the rest of Florida.

People will pay a lot of money for absolutely anything if they can show it off.

These realizations didn't stop us from having a good time though! I just have no desire to live in Miami, but it was nice to check it out and actually travel somewhere for the first time in a long time.
It was also an eye opening experience to figure out how AirBnb actually works, and I'm excited to book more trips in the future through the service.

      I feel like I'm constantly writing about how amazing The 1975 is, and how they blow me away every time I get the opportunity to see them live. I truly feel like I'm in a dream each time. I've seen them more than I've seen any other artist ( A whopping 3 times, I know, so crazy, so intense. ) and I'm not bored yet! They always leave me wanting more and I'm always looking forward to their return. And I WILL be attending their next show. The venue was actually across the street from our AirBnb, which was super convienient and super beautiful. If I go back to Miami it's only because the scenery is everything Florida should be, but fails at.

We visited Wynnwood, The Design District, two free museums (!!!), and Miami Beach for the rest of our brief stay, but we were ultimately too poor to really enjoy anything and just retreated back to our room and ate Mac&Cheese from CVS while watching CatFish. But at the end of the day it was a great trip. 👍